10 Diet Myths That Are Actually at Risk of Gaining Weight
Many myths that losing weight circulate in the community. Starting from avoiding the consumption of carbohydrates which are said to make the body fat, to skipping breakfast or dinner for weight loss. Some diet myths are incorrect, instead of the risk of gaining weight. Come on, find out the facts behind an incorrect diet myth.
If all this time you believe that to lose weight you need to avoid fat intake, hold hunger, or excessive exercise, then you need to listen further to the explanation behind the myth. Remember, not all information circulating is proven true.
Ensure the truth of the myth to lose weight
Still, confused whether the weight loss information you get is true or just a myth? Here are some myths about weight loss that are popular among the people, following the fact:
1. Carbohydrates cause the body to fat
This myth is not entirely true, because if consumed in the right portion, carbohydrates will not cause obesity. You only need to wisely sort out the types of carbohydrates consumed to obtain carbohydrate benefits. Foods that contain carbohydrates and are good for consumption include various types of vegetables and fibrous fruits, nuts, and seeds.
2. Don't have breakfast to lose weight
This is a wrong myth because breakfast is an important part of a weight loss diet. If you don't have breakfast in the morning, low blood sugar levels can trigger an increase in hungry hormones. You can feel hungry when lunchtime arrives, or even before. The effect, the desire to eat unhealthy foods and fatty foods will be much greater.
3. No need to have dinner if you want to lose weight
In addition to breakfast, there are also myths to avoid dinner to lose weight. No evidence stating dinner increases weight. But the thing to remember is you still have to limit the intake of food consumed and avoid consumption of foods that contain high calories. One more thing to note, avoid big eating before going to bed at night to reduce the risk of digestive disorders and heartburn.
4. Avoid fat intake
In addition to carbohydrates and protein, the body still needs fat to meet energy needs and improve body cells. You only need to be wise in choosing fatty foods, which is to choose food containing healthy fats, such as avocados, nuts, fish, and seeds. Limit foods that contain saturated fats and trans fats, such as red meat, butter, and various unhealthy processed foods (for example chips, crackers, and various cakes).
5. Excessive exercise, weight loss faster
This is a myth that you don't need to believe. Weight loss will succeed if you can make changes little by little in the lifestyle that is lived and do it consistently.
Compared to exercising extreme, you better start with light exercises, such as walking every day and cycling every weekend. It is recommended to exercise around 20-30 minutes every day or about 150 minutes per week. Don't forget, rest enough and adjust your diet.
6. Healthy food is always more expensive
This is one of the myths that is not proven true because it is not always the price of healthy food is always more expensive. Depending on how you prepare food. The price of a portion of fast food, for example, is almost equivalent to one vegetable basket that can be purchased in traditional markets, such as spinach, mustard greens, and nuts. You can also consider preparing food at home, rather than having to buy food outside.
7. To be thin, you need to drink a lot of water
This is also not entirely true. Water is indeed important to support good body metabolism and prevent dehydration. But in fact, drinking a lot of water does not play a lot of role in losing weight. Especially if you think of going on a diet just by drinking water, without eating any food. Such a diet pattern is not recommended because it is actually at risk of causing you to lack nutrition and fall ill.
Consuming water can be maximally useful to lose weight if accompanied by overall lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise and healthy eating patterns.
8. To lose weight, you have to hold hunger
Diet with holds hunger can cause weight gain because your appetite is likely to be greater. You might eat more portions when the meal schedule arrives. In addition, holding hunger is at risk of causing the body to lack nutrition and energy.
You can try to divide the portion of eating into smaller with more frequent frequencies. You can also reduce the portion of food, then provide healthy snacks such as fruits or wheat bread for consumption during your mealtime.
9. Packaged food labeled 'low fat' is healthier
Not always the case. Food labeled 'low fat' sometimes actually contains other ingredients with high levels, such as sugar. To be sure, examine the nutritional label on food packaging.
10. Stop consuming snacks is one of the right dietary ways
This assumption is also not entirely true. Snacks on the sidelines of the main meal time are still needed to meet energy needs. What's wrong is not the habit of eating snacks, but the type of snack consumed. Instead of eating chips or chocolate snacks, it's better to choose fruits.
Do not believe the myth of weight loss just like that, because not all information is true. Consult a nutritionist to find out the recommended healthy diet pattern following your health condition. Inappropriate diet patterns can make you gain weight, and even make you experience health problems.
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