Although it is ready to consume solid food, of course, 6 months baby food is different from food for adults. It is recommended to process my own mother's milk companion food so that it can be adjusted to the nutrients needed by babies.
At the age of 6 months, the baby has been able to support his head and begins to be interested in food consumed by people nearby. This is the recommended time to provide companion food.
Various food choices for 6 months babies
Now various instant 6-month baby food products are easy to find in supermarkets. However, the processing process that is too long makes instant baby food does not contain many nutrients and vitamins. This is the reason why processing your 6-month baby food is recommended so that infants can obtain adequate nutrition and vitamins.
At first, 6-month-old babies were only able to consume about one teaspoon of vegetables or fruit in one meal. Then, the portion will increase gradually over time.
In addition to fruits and vegetables, 6-month baby food can also be made from various other types of healthy foods. Several 6 months baby food choices, among others:
- For cereals, it is recommended to choose gluten-free.
- Smoothed fruit and vegetables, such as Avocados, Bananas, Pears, Potatoes, Carrots, Broccoli, cabbage, spinach, apples, strawberries, carrots, wine, tomatoes, and cucumbers.
- Mashed meat, like chicken or beef.
- Know made to be porridge.
- Mashed nuts, such as Edamame, red beans, and green beans.
Well, as a first step in providing 6 months baby food, you can use one type of material to make porridge. Here are some types of porridge you can try:
Banana porridge
Banana is a fruit that is rich in fiber and potassium that is safe for the baby's stomach. However, don't give too often bananas because it risks causing constipation.
The way to make it is to crush bananas with forks, then add breast milk or formula milk to dilute it.
Alpukat porridge
Avocados contain good fats that are useful for physical development and the baby's brain. Crush avocado with a fork, then add breast milk or formula milk. The remaining avocado that has not been used can be inserted into the container and stored in the refrigerator.
Red rice porridge
As a staple food that does not cause allergies, brown rice is the right choice for baby food for 6 months, because it is also easy to digest. In addition, brown rice porridge is also good for babies, because brown rice contains a variety of nutrients, ranging from vitamins B, folate, calcium, sodium, zinc, to potassium.
Beware of food allergies in babies
When your child just tries solid food, you need to look at whether he is allergic to certain foods or not. Wait up to three days before switching to introduce other types of food. Generally, it takes three days to see allergic reactions, especially if there are family members who have a history of allergies.
Eggs, soybeans, fish, cow's milk, shellfish, and wheat are some examples of allergic triggers. Some foods must also be watched out for because they can produce gas in the stomach and make the baby uncomfortable. Foods containing gas include peas, pears, apricot, cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli.
Avoid giving honey to a one-year-old baby to reduce the risk of getting botulism. Giving cow's milk should also be avoided. New babies can be given cow's milk after the age of one year or more. Even so, giving products made from cow's milk, such as cheese, are generally safe to give to babies.
Introducing various kinds of food and taste can make babies like diverse foods and get a lot of nutritional benefits. If there are types of foods that are not liked by babies, try to give them the food again after a few days, because the baby's taste is still changing. To ensure a baby gets the nutritional intake needed, you can consult a pediatrician or a nutritionist.
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