Benefits of Guava Overcoming Dengue Fever

Benefits of Guava Overcoming Dengue Fever

The change of weather from heat towards the rain or vice versa is the sign of the coming of the transition season. At this moment, Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes can freely multiply by inhabiting places not maintained or slums, especially in water puddles. Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes are very dangerous as the main cause of dengue fever.

Benefits of Guava Overcoming Dengue Fever

Activities in everyday life for housewives, such as cleaning the house, taking care of children, or serving favorite dishes for families, often make them overwhelmed. This of course requires excellent health conditions. However, living in a tropical climate country with high rainfall which often makes the environment around being flooded with water can be an obstacle.

Watch out for symptoms of dengue fever

If prevention of precautions, puddles will provide chances for Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes to multiply. The bite of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito is at high risk of transmitting the dengue virus to humans.

The patient who is infected with a lightweight dengue virus is usually characterized by the symptoms of spots all over his body, high fever reaches 41 degrees Celsius, including muscle pain and joints. Symptoms of dengue fever can be seen from the start. In the next stage, the symptoms will subside and the conditions improve in a few days.

But it is different from some of the more severe conditions, it turns out that it is not cured, it becomes even worse in the next few weeks, indicating sufferers suffer from severe bloody fever conditions. Symptoms of dengue fever in conditions that are getting worse can cause bleeding in the mouth and nose, vomiting, abdominal pain, and heart disorders, liver, and lungs.

To deal with DHF, doctors generally will advocate for patients to undergo symptomatic therapy which aims to reduce symptoms and rehydration therapy. This rehydration therapy is done by giving many fluid patients or water accompanied by undergoing a long break. The aim, avoid dehydration or run out of liquid in the body of DHF patients.

Vitamin C from Guava can maintain body condition

When it has recovered from dengue fever, the mothers must certainly maintain the condition of the body so they can complete the work of both household and office. Therefore, proper and balanced nutrition is needed to keep the body healthy and fit. This benefit can be obtained through vitamin C. Vitamin C or known as ascorbic acid has many benefits to heal wounds and help the body in producing red blood cells.

However, vitamin C cannot be produced by the human body. What's more, the level of ascorbic acid in the human body will decrease with age. For this reason, especially for you as a housewife, it is recommended to supply vitamin C intake from the consumption of vegetables and fruits. One practical and easy way can be obtained from the efficacy of the Guava.

Guava or guava fruit is the right choice to restore the weakened body condition due to dengue fever. Guava is a category of tropical fruit that can be consumed in various forms of presentation. Aside from being a source of vitamin C, this fruit contains many fibers that are good for the body too.

You can eat the fruit directly when it's still fresh or when it has been processed as a juice drink. Not only the flesh of the fruit but the cider of the guava leaves are believed to be useful for increasing blood platelet production which the level has declined due to dengue fever. The cooking water of the leaves of the Guava contains quercetin or flavonoid compounds spread across nature, in addition to being believed to have caused the formation of a virus causing fever.

So what are you waiting for? Do not let the household activity be disrupted through the consumption of guava to maintain the balance of vitamin C needs while maintaining body conditions after developing DHF.

Thus a discussion of the Benefits of Guava Overcoming Dengue Fever, don't forget to always visit the Health Thumbs for the latest updates on healthy, healthy lifestyles and various types of diseases and their handling.

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